Welcome to St Joseph's
Canon Peter Vellacott, Rev Deacon Raymond Keogh, Canon Stephen Dye (Retired), and our parish community welcome you to our parish website of the Roman Catholic Parish of Rutland.
Our parish covers the county of Rutland which includes the two market towns of Oakham and Uppingham and the many villages of Rutland and we are linked to St Mary & St Augustine in Stamford.
Whether you come to church every day or haven't been for quite some time, remember that the Church is here to help you in your journey of faith: coming closer to God every day, and living out the message proclaimed by his Son, Jesus.
Prayer to Saint Michael

Saint Michael, Archangel is Patron Saint of Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine, we will say this prayer during Holy Mass in support of the people of Ukraine and for peace in the whole world ...
Aid for Chad and Peru (Charity Number 328051)

How Aid for Chad and Peru started
- In 1984 the world heard of a devastating famine in Ethiopia.
- It reached our living rooms.
- A little while later there was news of a similar famine in S. Chad.
- Information about two Missions in S. Chad came into our hands.
- We learnt about a Sr Dominique who was desperate for aid.
- It moved hearts.
Digital Collection Plate

Hope into Action

Oakham Update March 2022 - Dear Friends, There are as many reasons for homelessness as there are homeless people – everyone’s story is different.
Consider the lilies of the field ...

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow” [Matthew 6:28].
The overall theme of our windows is the depiction of lilies. The lily is the emblem of St. Joseph, spouse of Mary and dedicatee of this church, through an ancient legend that he was chosen from among other men by the blossoming of his staff like a lily. The lily is also the attribute of the Virgin Mary, being associated with innocence and purity, hope and life.
Prayer To St Joseph
The Year of St Joseph
The official prayer of the Year of St. Joseph—To you, O blessed Joseph (Ad te, beate Ioseph)—was composed by Pope Leo XIII in his 1889 encyclical, Quamquam Pluries. The Holy Father asked that it be added to the end of the Rosary especially during October, the month of the Holy Rosary. This prayer is enriched with a partial indulgence (Source: USCCB).