St Joseph's Catholic Church, Oakham


13 May 2017 - Sacrament of Confirmation

The 4.30 pm Mass on Saturday 13th May will be a Confirmation Mass celebrated by Bishop Patrick for some of our young parishioners and students at Oakham and Uppingham Schools. It is likely that there will be over 20 Confirmandi plus relatives – that means the Church will be very full. I hope this will not inconvenience our regular Saturday Mass congregation too much. The 11.00 am Sunday Mass that weekend on 14th May will be less crowded.


Fr Stephen, Bishop Patrick and our Confirmandi 

Location : St Joseph's Catholic Church

Mass Times

St Joseph's, Oakham
4.30pm (First Mass of Sunday)
Sunday: 10.30am (with Children's liturgy-Term Time) join us for coffee and tea after Mass
Mon: 10am 
Wed: 10am (Exposition 9am) join us for coffee and tea after Mass
Friday:7pm Latin Mass St Thomas of Canterbury Exton

Live Stream from St Joseph's

St Mary
& St Augustine, Stamford

Saturday: 6pm (First Mass of Sunday)
9am and 11am
Friday: 10am (Exposition 9am)


St Joseph's, Oakham
Sat: 3.30pm - 4.00pm 
Wed: 9.30am – 9.50am

St Mary and St Augustine, Stamford
Sat: 5pm - 5.40pm

Read about Confession

Masses in nearby Parishes

Join us for coffee and tea after Mass at St Joseph’s on Sundays & Wednesdays